Specialized Solutions

The perfect match to your requirements

Do you face individual and SPECIAL CHALLENGES in the sewing production? Do your needs exceed the capabilities of standard machinery? Then start a project with us! Our SPECIAL APPLICATION TEAM will find a perfect solution CUSTOMIZED to your requirements.


Dürkopp Adler - cl. 911-906 Automated overlapping CNC sewing

DA 911-906 - Highest productivity through automatic overlapping CNC sewing

Specialized solution for the manufacturing of rubber cuffs

Specialized solution for the manufacturing of rubber cuffs - based on M-TYPE 829.

Specialized solution for the production of large tubular products like filter hoses - 550-869 with rotary arm and puller.

Cotton face mask automat - DA 900 CFM


Our excellence

45,000 Specialized solutions

developed, delivered and installed since 2004.

More than 160 years

of expertise in the field of sewing technology.

3,000 Equipments

as standard and special additional equipment for the medium heavy and heavy duty range.

3 R&D Pillars

ensure full in-house competence in mechanic, electronic and software development

Interested in starting a customizing project with us? Contact your Dürkopp Adler partner and ask them about DA Specialized Solution.